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Session 2: Week 1- Field Trip Photos

Session 2 kicked off with a field trip to Fort Tryon Park and the Cloisters Museum. Click through the photo gallery to travel with us as we learn about Gothic art and architecture. What is a Cloister? Cloisters are a mideval building that developed out of Greek and Roman influences, they are an outdoor space incorporated with an indoor space. The monks, nuns and people who used these buildings would grow herbs, fruit and flowers in their cloister. During this period in history Europe was not a safe place, so having a cloister in your living space provided a safe way to get herbs and fruit. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE MUSEUM [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]

Campers looking at stained glass windows and how they are made!


The campers loved learning bout different types of columns and The Cuxa Cloister.

Group 2 campers taking in the view.

And we're off! Venturing down Central Park West is always an adventure.

Gosh this place is big we need to sit down for a moment.

Looking through a different perspective.

Campers looking at different art pieces that interest them.

Learning about different art forms.

Making our way into a chapel.

Group 2 has such great buddy lines.

Counselor Olivia teaching kids about how arches are made using stone.

Counselor Holly and group 2 walking in their buddy lines.

The View

The Hudson River looks so pretty from up here !

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